May the dark side be with you

Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Sith, the web clique dedicated to Sith from the Star Wars franchise. The goal of this clique is to have fun, join the Dark side of the Force and let our inner Star Wars nerd float ^^

The joining is pretty simple. Just fill the form and write your Sith name and position in the Brotherhood. The name you privide may be any but for the ranks, look into this setting:
Sith Apprentice
Sith Acolyte
Sith Crusader
Sith Knight
Sith Warrior
Sith Sorcerer
Sith Assassin
Sith Inquisitor
Sith Alchemits
Sith Master
Sith Lord

You don't need to have website to join, only requied elements are your name, mail, country and the Sith name and rank you chose.
Ready to join the dark side? Join form awaits!

Script used: Enthusiast (3.2.x)
Last updated: 27th July 2024
Member count: 15, with 0 pending

The website is created by Mal from Moudoku. Hand coded by her, all graphics by her. Do not steal!