Here are text links, which you can use in your website - you can use these or create your own!
My Deadly Sin is Greed
<center> My Deadly Sin is <a href="http://daughter-of-anubis.pw/deadlysins" target="_blank">Greed</a> </center>
Greed is my Deadly Sin
<center><a href="http://daughter-of-anubis.pw/deadlysins" target="_blank">Greed</a> is my Deadly Sin</center>
I am Greed
<center>I am <a href="http://daughter-of-anubis.pw/deadlysins" target="_blank">Greed</a></center>
I sin with Greed
<center>I sin with <a href="http://daughter-of-anubis.pw/deadlysins" target="_blank">Greed</a></center>
Here are also image buttons, if you prefer them.